Policies and Procedures

Assuring that SPU complies with state and federal regulations is important to our students and our community. Here are several policies and regulations you should know about.

Student Handbook

Whether you’re in or out of the classroom, 西雅图 Pacific is a place to explore, 开发, 并与. And over the years, we’ve put together a 手册 that provides guidelines to help us live out our unique community values. It’s an essential tool in our life together.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects the rights of parents of dependent students, and students who are attending or have attended the University.

For a complete explanation of how FERPA protects you, visit SPU’s 办公室 of the Registrar website.

For additional information about FERPA, including frequently asked questions, scope of the legislation, 和链接, 参观 U.S. Department of Education website.


The 健康 Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) protects the privacy of your medical records. 在SPU, HIPAA covers the 健康 Center in Watson Hall, as well as several other offices that may need to deal with your records (such as the Finance 办公室 for billing).

西雅图 Pacific University 健康 Center
第三大道3307号. 西110套房
西雅图, WA 98119-1922
电子邮件: privacyofficer@xmxlx168.net

School of 健康 科学
第三大道3307号. 西,110套房
西雅图, WA 98119-1922
电子邮件: complaintofficer@xmxlx168.net

Drug-Free 学校 and Communities

SPU is subject to the requirements of the federal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free 学校 and Communities Act of 1989. We strongly support each act and consistently ensure compliance with them. We also annually distribute information regarding the restrictions and consequences of violations of each act.

了解更多 网易彩票app行为.


We report crime statistics to give a fuller picture of campus security. More information about crime statistics.

另外: 了解更多网易彩票app 应急程序 (包括演习, personal or medical emergencies, campus lockdown policies, and what to do in case of an earthquake), resolving discrimination complaints, and community standards in the SPUStudent Handbook.

Complete List of Policies

Have a question about Academic Advising? 资深的好处? 学术荣誉?  Or ...? The Undergraduate Catalog has the answer.